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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2011 1:01am-1:31am EDT

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the great government office even then there's a stake in a whole range of national companies to get the country back on track and he said it's that people are being put up for sale. the security council issued their resolution against libya because all the fake media reports one day everybody in the world is saying the libyan libyan navy is bombing in the heart of what often is the. maze that is in the middle of the desert. so it's winter they taze bombing of libya. his son an exclusive interview without also. who was a government accountable tried on your own american citizens people was born right here on american soil you know this is a damn shame as three men each get twenty five years in jail after the f.b.i. sting operation questions are being raised about u.s. tactics in fighting home grown terror. and. business russia lives
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a year long ban on grain exports bargo was impulse to avoid domestic shortages following last year's wave join me for a full business bulletin in about twenty minutes from now. on air and online twenty four hours a day this is r.t. . greece is now set for a lifeline from the e.u. after parliament passed a vote on how to implement tough new austerity measures the cuts and tax hikes for a condition for twelve billion euro and additional rescue cash ever sent thousands of angry protesters onto the streets of athens is our first reports plans to sell off the greek assets to the highest bidder also fanning the flames. is not for sale the message from the theorist public as plans to sell off many
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greek assets pushes ahead quickly incredibly proud of their heritage many people feel that the privatization proposals the simplest thing grace the public has that potentially at the grabs the lenders banks water companies and chain operators amongst many more a stake in the large telecommunications company a. sale with going to. the there's been a continuous crime for the past twenty years they've sold off our companies piece by piece and now we only own a small percentage but that small stake is extremely important to the greek people but they want to sell even that. is a huge turn for the present government who are heavily opposed to the sale of eighty shares when they were acting as a position. they called it a national crime when the previous government sold shares now they want to do the same and sell the shares now at a low price. we don't think we'll see an investment or any development we think the
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only thing others will care about is profit profit profit. big continuous schools from the public to refuse the aggressive privatization proposals forced by the tweaker seemingly gone and her needs their present from the european union is three men who we would talk about blackmail i guess the greek government critics have argued that they are thanking and they are acting out the self-interest keeping profits private but the last is to say she lies nothing new here it's not like greeks have to stretch back into deep history to figure this out we can look at latin american we can look at countries all over the world where the i.m.f. has come in and sacrificed and plundered the nation for corporate consolidation and prime minister happened jase think of avoiding the countries can cause many are now asking just how high a price he's willing to pay someone dies there's something very tragic occurs
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that's going to be a catalyst for i think a fall of this government the e.u. has stated fairly there's no plan b. the a stereotype measures being enacted buses theory bills on the streets might be tiny thirty one. athens. greeks are now facing twenty eight billion euro in cuts to be implemented over the next five years e.u. officials have welcomed the plan saying it will help the country get back onto a path of recovery but also the n.t. from the us space trends research institute says the austerity measures are actually a way to rescue the banks the people's expense. you could sum up what's killed capitalism in four simple words too big to fail and that's what's going on the banks are failing and they want the people to bail them out because they after all they don't like to take a hit these big guys so they call it austerity measures and privatization the
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i.m.f. is nothing more than the international mafia federation they had a loan sharks of last resort and the people know it they call it privatization adults call it stealing valuable public assets and selling it to your friends really cheap the politicians only represent the people that give them the most amount of money so that people know that so they're it's going to continue to be a war and the greek people know that if you don't stand up they're going to bow you down when you get really hot gree you're going to see the riots continue to escalate because what are these so-called austerity measures what do they really bring all they bring a lot more poverty although they bring a whorish g d p o they bring more unemployment so the politicians are doing nothing more than the bidding for those that pay them. so so then today from the u.s.
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space trains recessions to cheat so we. are going to affect the greek population. race conservative affronts says admission that its military supply the weapons to rebels in libya russia's foreign minister said the move could be seen as a serious violation of the u.n. arms and bunker is the first time in a time member has owned up to supplying weapons to the since the beginning of the campaign. and date on the short of authorizing a ground invasion and sides of the aisle in the military action to protect civilians that's not going completely to plan already confirming multiple civilian casualties caused by and strikes talked exclusively with colonel gadhafi son who says. well target is coming. at the house and then my father. kill the whole family. the wife pregnant. two young
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girls of the time and again we are hitting a military site. a president. with. the control and commanding libyan troops come out. for the city there are some people saying that if gadhafi the fighting will stop store of course not because their goal is not because of the goal is to control libya is to control libya this is the target and the libyans will not allow them to do that so the fight will continue what do you think about media war who's winning this war at the beginning the one. the one. or the one because it was planned from the beginning that could happen is infamous well. collapsed the rebels by tripoli and there is
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a gun. to it because the whole country. still now suffering from that. but now the libyans are we are one day everybody and they were saying the libyan libyan navy is bombing the harbor of mr minister is in the middle of the desert it's one thousand kilometers on here he let the libyan ships that are bombing the harbor of mr excuse me. the security council issued their resolution against libya because of a fake media report saying that the libyan air force is bombing. civilian districts in tripoli and killing seven thousand people need to and rebels both on harry they want to finish as soon as possible because the hungry. the tired they want to share the cake. slake for them levy is lake fast food like
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mcdonald's fast because every should be fast fast for fast airplanes fast bullets fast victory. but. because we are no country to country. but you can see more of our exclusive interview in just over an hour's time here in r.t. or you can always find it on our website at r.t. dot com. gyptian court has postponed the trial of two policemen accused of beating a businessman to death last year the incident is thought to have helped spark the country's uprising that ousted president barack meanwhile officials have ordered a probe into recent clashes in cairo which have left one thousand people injured two days of tests to this. prosecution of c.
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lease are complaining at the lack of a speedy implementation of whom since the old journalist. the current leadership is ignoring people's demands the government such as it is has not responded to the concerns of the people there are strikes at the suez canal transportation workers people being killed again on the streets of cairo not a peep out of the corporate media and meanwhile we have william burns in cairo talking with mr turn to how we the provisional head at the moment of the government and even the trial of the interior minister who is hated so much and be interior minister and also mubarak has been adjourned people are not getting what they thought they were getting when they toppled hosni mubarak we must remember that joe biden and hillary clinton didn't want also mubarak to go that's was the mubarak and his cronies so many of them are retaining power and it's a very dangerous situation and we mustn't forget what's crucial here for be as rational it's rational outlook is the zoo is going to hell that's where trade goes
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through and it is the most populous country arab country in the arab world and we're not hearing anything about it in the corporate news it's as if that revolutions done and dusted in the egyptian people of. well still to come in the program what might be minimal impact for downing street could be backslidden loss in people's wallets the sounds of civil servants and teachers take to the streets of the u.k. striking against the pensions being slashed and he said the government is simply looking for scapegoats. and pointing terro if you leave it on these between it is then about in washington and the killing of osama bin laden is to stand on us sharks drone base. three men convicted of trying to blow up synagogues in new york beach been sentenced to twenty five years in prison but the case is raised huge controversy after they were actually inside to the f.b.i. and handed fake bombs critics claim it was a setup job said her hands were tied you know point not.
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for nearly a decade the u.s. has waged a widespread global war on terror it's required multitasking military effort overseas on the domestic front u.s. officials have decided to double down recently announcing counter terrorism plans that refocus resources on combat me homegrown plots this is the first kind of turns a strategy that focuses on the ability of al qaeda and its that work to inspire people in the united states to attack us from within yet in countless so called f.b.i. sting operations f.b.i. operative provided the fake c four and actually showed them a fake stinger missile the inspiration to attack america has come from a government paid informant working to orchestrate the plan a tactic critics say exercised in a new york case dubbed newberg for. the suspects poor illiterate african-american
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muslims were presented as the faces of homegrown terrorism and subsequently found guilty of conspiring and attempting terrorist attack. against the u.s. no direction by a foreign entity or terrorist group instead direction came from shahid hussain a pakistani immigrant on the f.b.i. payroll reportedly paid one hundred thousand dollars for his services according to court testimony hussein recruited the cash strapped former convicts by offering cars and cash to carry out the operation for individuals that sought to bomb jewish facilities here in the bronx and also take out a military aircraft. yet not one defendant had a passport or license but what the government had was an agent provocateur tor who testified in court as a key witness a guilty verdict for all four men ireland's islamic caliphate the same day a new counterterrorism strategy was touted the new birth four were sentenced to
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twenty five years in prison a tearful and angry crowd of supporters gathered outside manhattan's federal courthouse who was a government accountable turn on your own american citizens people was born right here on american soil this is a damned shame. miscavige to justice and we will keep fighting back the government should not be allowed to trap for some make. the whole force. point and then take the victims since the twenty five. f.b.i. informants have reportedly been used in dozens of so-called foiled plots since nine eleven critics say hundreds of americans are languishing behind bars for fake terror attacks planted and grown by the u.s. government our tax dollars are being used to incentivize criminals to manufacture terror plots like that they catch other people up in i can't see how that in any way benefits the country i mean they can pick anybody out from new york
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city or course the united states and make a plot you have to be very careful very aware of who you speak to who you are around. because you have many. agents you have many informants that are out there that they are using the us federal judge said outrageous government be there was absolute size in the keys of the new park who are expressing doubt the convicts who don't or would have planned an attack without the f.b.i. informant however the specific charges against the man require a mandatory minimum sentence of twenty five years in prison prosecutors say they manufactured what would have been all along so much talk if carried out and quote the fact that it was fate doesn't matter. or not r.t. new york. normal service resumes in the u.k. today following a nationwide strike against pension cuts for hundreds of thousands of public sector
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workers brought a disruption to the large parts of the country schools airports court sun job centers were affected by the display of anger caused by the coalition governments of stupidity times and you begin the phone that campaign group coalition of resistance says the toughest spending cuts it's in the most abundant all parts of society. discussing benefits to disabled people is the poorest and most vulnerable who are on the ends of these austerity measures in order to solve the crisis and from our point of view the the bankers the rich the wealthy in this country as is the case in greece still remain rich and wealthy in this today is a strike of for unions is the beginning of an industrial struggle from a low level of industrial action in this country but in new york it is very possible that there will be many millions of workers on strike and the government
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will be forced then to take notice of what what what we are seeing is the same as i said as we've been seeing very inspiring name cultures throughout the european union that the there is a growing wave of disconcerting discontent about the measures being imposed upon the people severe. well more news and eye catching videos always online fewer dot com is a taste of what's lined up for you right now as the u.s. secretary defense retires leaving behind three was when he also went the cia chief who succeeded him to change the pentagon's policies. and a russian scientist says a meeting with extraterrestrial life is just around the corner even claims to know what aliens look like we're going to monte dot com to find out for yourself check out all the best for years on you tube.
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it is easy to. eat. down the official altie allocation your phone called touch from the top story. video on demand all teasing my old girls and street now in the palm of your. machine on the dot com. pakistan has urged the u.s.
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to shut down and even their base in the country southwest the facility has served as a launchpad for washington's drone attacks against militants on the afghan border pakistani political analyst. says the only way to stop the violence is to end the so-called war on terror. one of the main reasons for the for the continuation of violent activity on the pakistan of gonna stand border is the mess that the us military has created inside of coniston over the past decade the mass there the way they have alienated a large portion segment of the afghan population in terms of the push to try to the way they have conducted the war on terror there the way they have alienated a large pockets really of the country is a big reason for why we have a continuation of violence in afghanistan and how that violence is spilling over into pakistan and most pakistani commentators believe now that one of the ways
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short short cuts really to controlling violence and extremism on the pakistan afghanistan border is really to end the war on terror the way the u.s. military and the way the cia has been conducting this war over the past ten years one step forward is of course what president obama has declared but you still words where you get to see really actions on the ground and we have yet to see whether important agencies within the u.s. government like the central intelligence agency the cia would really cooperate. a brief look now at some of the international stories we're covering for you today but his wedding present to the chavez has his first televised address it's on the growing emergency surgery. center the second operation was carried out to a group of tensors it follows surgery on the tenth of june to remove a public abscess said he was determined to overcome his battle and is now on the way to full recovery. china is celebrating once you've served it's really communist
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party which is also down just its. top officials are attending a grand ceremony in central beijing thousands gathered to mark the day when i say she first heard it as a small group of intellectuals and now presides over the world's second largest economy so-called red tourism is flourishing today so places linked to china's communist history have become a pilgrimage for visitors. one of two french journalists freed after eighteen months in afghan captivity believes there was an exchange deal in holding money in prisoners it's all about have also said several of its jail commanders have been freed from prison t.v. reporter and his countermand were taken along with afghan colleagues in late two thousand and nine filming in remote mountains the afghan government has denied any prisoner exchange to place. the u.n. back to tribunals has issued arrest warrants in connection with the murder in two
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thousand and five of lebanon's former prime minister speak really official say the warrants named for senior members of his were no groups denounced the tribunal and vowed to take action against it really was going along with twenty two others and probably two thousand and five in central beirut when a bomb exploded at his car past. well a little later we explore the impact made by a renowned russian scientist. as a part of our city. it fall series now he lives a life of contradictions the one who created the world's first hydrogen bomb under siege many awards from the establishment but at the same time the civil unions most widely known dissident constantly hounded by the secret police.
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took your thoughts or your. street still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal that the soviet files on the odyssey. yes of the stuff the life of the famous say that scientists understand andre suffer of just a few minutes time here r.t. first though it's all the dates this business with korea. so welcome to business news here in our t. the customs union between russia and belarus and kazakhstan comes into action three
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countries remove control on internal borders from now only union members will have custom services only on their external borders and will share the traffic information between each other the trilateral union has function says january two thousand and ten when russia belarus and kazakhstan unified customs tariffs. and staying with customs union crisis stricken bellows has asked russia to freeze the price it pays for gas because currently buying russian gas at lower prices than the european average however the benefits will plan to end this year now claims that a common economic sold should imply equal gas prices. but no price changes are expected this year but it has not commented on whether future discounts are possible say the gas monopoly could lose up to three billion dollars next year if prices are frozen. russia has lifted almost a year long ban on grain exports the embargo was imposed to avoid domestic shortages following
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a heat wave that devastated one third of the country's crops the band called world prices to rise to the highest level for two years but optimistic harvest forecasts have probably to russia to return to the global grain market russian farmers could harvest up to nineteen million tons of grain this year that's up fifty percent. compared to last year on the exchanges we discard the trading at around six hundred thirteen dollars per barrel. but take a look at the markets oil is moving lower after seeing again in previous sessions light sweet is trading at around ninety four dollars a barrel and brant is it around one hundred eleven dollars a barrel asian markets rise up to greece approves of starting measures to avoid debt default or need a japanese and chinese stocks are advancing to. i knew born on a positive note exporters vance would take over. here in moscow the markets will start trading soon tested in my eyes it's closed in the black on
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thursday growth was mainly supported by energy industrial stocks. as the eurozone problems remain one of the main issues on the markets from. expects investor to take side like. the market is is nervous and shaky european debt situation and not just greece but all overall i think gives a lot of uncertainty to investors when other hand after greece is at least for some time is out there is no significant risk on the horizon as well so that's why i think to and including the some what i would do the liquidity in the level of the strain will be huge it will be. sidelined for the next i guess couple of weeks. burton's brain and you have to bribery of all that's going to affect foreign companies with links to the u.k. and they're going to lose current ports from london its impact may not be might not
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be what was originally. critics say that has been blurred and may not be really in force but britain's bribery acts caused because it affects the operations of the overseas companies with u.k. links and while it may not make much difference for large international firms who already have to comply with stricter u.s. regulations it will make a difference for smaller companies also the act does not take into account the emerging markets and it of course in those emerging economies corruption and bribery is part of corporate culture and it comes to corruption and bribery russia takes the cake according to transparency international russia is one of the most corrupt nations on earth and that is not the cake that russia enjoys eating as a matter of fact fighting corruption is one of the main goals over russian officials and this act may actually help russia along the way of fighting corruption. that's our business of a for this hour or more in forty five minutes
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but stay with us for headline news up next. wealthy british style. sometimes it's right on. target. market financed scandals find out what's really happening.


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